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The Southern African Roll Users Conference Constitution


The conference will be a forum for the exchange of knowledge in the metal and allied industries with the aim of improving quality, productivity, cost of production and technical expertise. It will allow delegates the opportunity to meet fellow users as well as local and international suppliers of equipment, consumables and services.

The opinion of delegates will be tested after every conference, in order to asses the success of the conference, gauge the needs of the industry, preferences regarding venues, technical papers etc. to continually improve and meet the needs of the industry.

It is envisaged that presentations will not be used as a marketing platform. Marketing opportunity will be provided in the form of exhibition space, time and opportunity to meet potential customers.

SARUC Constitution

  1. The Association shall be called SOUTHERN AFRICAN ROLL USERS CONFERENCE (SARUC). 

  2. Official address shall be Mrs. Henriehet Brooks, Admin Assistant, Iron Making, ArcelorMittal, PO Box 2 Postal Point 65100,Vanderbijlpark 1900.

  3. Any company in the metal and allied industry, which is using rolls in the manufacturing of product, may nominate a representative employee to be a committee member.

  4. The Committee shall consist of a maximum of ten (10) members.

  5. The Committee will elect as soon as feasible after the Conference a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer by means of consensus.

  6. The Chairperson must have served on the Committee for a minimum period of one full term between two conferences prior to being elected to that position.

  7. The Committee shall see to it that all proceedings are properly minuted and that all documents relative to the proceedings are kept on record.

  8. The Treasurer shall keep or cause to keep a "Record of Accounts." This record shall be audited for the conference term.

    • All funds shall be banked in the name of SARUC. 

    • All payments are to be made by cheque, electronic transfer or debit card to be authorised by the Treasurer or Chairperson.

  9. Should a Committee position fall vacant during the course of the term, it shall be filled by a member elected by the Committee.

  10. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of all Committee Members shall form a quorum at any meeting. 

  11. The prime purpose of the Committee will be to organise a Conference at intervals at their discretion.

  12. In the pursuit of the above, sponsorship and/or donations may be called from local and overseas suppliers and users of rolls and related equipment. 

  13. The Committee shall determine the entry fees for delegates, the stand fees for exhibitors and the advertisement fees for suppliers for every Conference.

  14. Any monies derived from points 12 and 13 above will be exclusively used toward any requirement, deemed necessary by the Committee, for the Conference / exhibition and related activities. 

  15. SARUC is a non-profit making organisation (i.e. a volunteer organisation, not for financial gain).

  16. In the event of SARUC being discontinued, for whatever reason, the existing committee at that point in time will decide on the use of any funds accumulated. The disposal of such funds shall, in any event, exclude the personal gain of any of the committee members.

  17. Committee meetings shall be held as and when necessary, but it is envisaged that the minimum amount required for organising a successful conference shall be of one meeting every month. If the next conference interval is 24 months the first six months shall be regarded as a resting period, where at least one meeting should be held. 

  18. Meetings shall be held at a venue to be decided by Committee Members; however, every participating company is encouraged to make its premises available for such meetings.

  19. In order to draw as much as possible interest from suppliers and to obtain the greatest return of information for the participating companies, the following guidelines are given for the organising of the Conference.

    • Papers to be presented are to be called from the widest spectrum of suppliers and participating companies as possible. 

    • Presentation visuals in accordance with prescribed format, of which prospective presenters will be advised, are to be of such a nature that they can be reproduced in the lithographic process for printing in a proceedings publication to be issued to each delegate attending the Conference.

    • The selection of papers to be presented at the Conference and for inclusion in the above- mentioned publication will be the responsibility of the Committee.

    • Exhibition space shall be made available to suppliers at a cost to be decided for each Conference, on the basis of their value, which shall be decided by the Committee. 

    • In both parties (c) and (d) above, late entries will be considered on merit.

    • In the event of a delegate or exhibitor being unable to attend the Conference, no monies paid will be refunded.

    • Presenters and additional quests may be invited at the Committee's discretion. 

    • It will be customary to present guest speaker/s with a token of appreciation which value shall be at the discretion of the Committee. 

    • It will be customary to present outgoing committee members with a token of appreciation upon their resignation. The value of which shall be at the discretion of the Committee. 

    • If a Master of Ceremonies or consultant is used at a cost, the Committee must first approve the expense before any commitments are made.

  20. Any alterations or modifications to the above rules can only be implemented at official meetings with seventy-five percent (75%) committee members present.


Approved by the SARUC COMMITTEE
on 13 May 2016 
at Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark.

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